For years tech startups have been disrupting the way that we work embracing remote work culture and adopting flexible policies. Tech workers enjoy perks like unlimited vacation time, reduced hours of work, stock options, and strong work-life...
Read moreNext Stop: Digital Main Street
Opportunities. You know they’re out there; but finding them can be a challenge. Thanks to some networking in and around CoMotion, I’ve been introduced to Digital Main Street. This program provides grants for business in need of a...
Read moreAn Alumni chat with Piranha Studios
More and more I’m seeing the incubation benefits of CoMotion. In the past year or so, I’ve had the chance to connect with a number of businesses who have since grown out of their coworking space. To me, this is a good thing. CoMotion...
Read moreCoMotion Locations – The Best of Both Worlds
One of the benefits of being operating a small business, or being a freelancer, is having the power to determine where you work. Just like in real estate, the importance of location cannot be understated. Given the amount of hours you pour into...
Read moreTapping into the CoMotion Alumni Network
As a freelancer or small business, one of the major benefits of membership at CoMotion is being part of a network. But, what I’m now finding is that this network extends well beyond these walls to the alumni. Life at CoMotion usually...
Read moreBlogging from the Rooftop
I’ve escaped to the rooftop. As a writer who’s run head-long into a bit of writers block, I need a little bit of inspiration that the indoors just doesn’t seem to be providing. Let’s see if CoMotion On King’s sun-soaked patio can do...
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