Did you know that this Friday (August 9th) is International Coworking Day? It’s the perfect to check out CoMotion! Stop in from 9am to 5pm and see what the place is all about. There will even be a few snacks and refreshments on hand. Plus, you can even get some rooftop-Yoga in at 10:30am. If you’re a start-up, small business and/or freelancer, definitely take a few minutes to drop by for a peek. It’ll be worth the visit.
I’ve been working from the coworking space here at CoMotion for about a couple of years now. And based on my observations – as biased as they may be – the concept of coworking has flourished in popularity. At least here in Hamilton. Off the top of my head I can think of at least 5 coworking spaces within the city. I’m sure most could rhyme off a few more than that.
The little things provide big benefits.
As a freelance copywriter, I can’t say enough about coworking – especially here at CoMotion. I could do my job from anywhere on the planet – but doing it here (at least, most of the time) provides benefits o’ plenty. Simply having a space – a destination – to perform your work provides an intangible benefit that can’t be understated. As my fellow freelancers have concurred, working from the kitchen table brings a host of hurdles that can sap productivity real quick. Then, there’s the multi-faceted benefit of being part of a business community.
Entrepreneurs growing together, separately.
Membership in any community comes with some obvious personal benefits. Just having a quick conversation at the coffee machine can add that needed boost to your day. From small talk to getting to know – and hearing the stories of – like-minded entrepreneurs, these easy-going interactions are hard to replicate anywhere else. And, as someone who needs to be creative, this mental stimulation is invaluable. And, of course, proximity to small businesses comes with it’s own set of benefits.
Coworking at it’s best is a bit like a proverbial Petri Dish. Entrepreneurs talk, ideas are shared, leads are generated, resources are exchanged – the cross-pollination is palpable. That can lead to some efficient business growth and success. And it’s almost entirely due to being in close quarters with a diverse business community.
So, if you’re reading this from your kitchen table, a coffee shop, or the food court at Hamilton City Centre (yup, I work down there from time to time), or, if you’re shopping around for affordable office space, stop in and check the place out.