Articulating Your Brand Message and Goals

Getting the word out about your brand message and goals needs to be accomplished to let your audience know who you are, but it also needs to be articulated internally. You want to be able to explain to every contractor and every customer exactly what it is that you stand for and what you do for them.

  • Focus – The fact is that in the minds of your customers and the world, as you build your brand you get to be only one thing to them. It’s important to understand this going in. You won’t be everything to everyone. You’ll be one thing to one person. That one thing is your USP. What does your brand provide that no one else’s brand delivers?
  • Remember Your USP – Your unique selling proposition, or sometimes called a unique value proposition, is the thing that makes your product or service stand out from others. The USP makes you different and is what comes into the mind of your potential customers when they think of you.
  • Customer Perception – You have to remember that your customers do not care what you want to be, or strive to be; they only care about you in terms of what you can do for them. It’s worth repeating that you need to be just one thing to one customer. Be that one thing in the best possible way and you’ll find that your customers stick with you more. Remember that you can have many different customer personas to work with, so don’t concern yourself with the idea that you might box yourself in.
  • Internal Viewpoint – If you don’t know exactly where you create value, it will be hard for you to explain it in a way that your customer understands. The promises you make about your brand need to be accurate, true, and unique. You need to differentiate yourself in a way that is honest and forthright and possible. Knowing your vision and how to express your vision is of utmost importance internally as well as externally.
  • Marketplace Outlook – Ensure that your USP is clear and concise. You need to stand out in a busy marketplace. It helps to study your competition to find out what is going on in the marketplace and how the others are defining themselves and making themselves stand out from the competition. You can do the same, but make yours different. As long as it’s true, you can move forward.
  • Tell Your Story – Every brand has a story that they can use to convey their message to their audience. Use every medium that you can to get the story out… from social media, to blogging, to press releases, to video. Your story is important to any brand strategy. Customers really do want to know who you are, what your values are and how you’re different from others.
  • Create High Quality Content – One of the ways you’re going to get the word out about your brand message is to use different forms of high quality content. Use text, downloadable content, video and more to help you get the message out to all parts of your audience.
  • Promote, Promote, Promote – Use pay per click, social media and all the methods at your fingertips to promote everything that you do online. You can even send out press releases, have webinars, teleseminars and hangouts to help you get the word out about your brand message and goals.

Articulating your brand message and goals to your audience and even internally requires a lot of thought and consideration. You can do that if you know where to place your focus, and understand that you need to be one thing to one person and can’t be everything to everyone.