Being part of the CoMotion community and network could be leading to opportunities beyond our borders. After recently hosting a group of Ukrainian delegates, there is clearly the potential for members to be part of the International business mix here in Hamilton.
It’s always an interesting scene here when we’re hosting an event. It’s a busy spot. And usually, the crux of the event is business opportunities. Whether it’s one of the workshops that CoMotion hosts, or regularly scheduled meet-ups among entrepreneurial groups, there’s a significant amount of collaborative relationships built right where I’m sitting. Hosting international groups looking to invest in Hamilton is an even better reason to be here.
Ukrainian delegates visit
Our Ukrainian guests were primarily members of the Information Technology segment. The Ukraine has an abundance of this expertise and our region has a demand. So, CoMotion hosted this group with the goal of developing symbiotic arrangements that aided their developments in Hamilton; as well as fostering partnership opportunities for Hamilton-based businesses in Europe. Members of the local small business community joined this meeting – providing insights on how to align with local businesses and make inroads into this market. A pretty cool opportunity for any small business to be a part of – especially those actively seeking to expand internationally.
International opportunities for Hamilton-based businesses
This isn’t the first time CoMotion has hosted an event like this, either. A number of weeks ago, a group of Colombian business delegates were hosted here in a similar fashion. Yet another potential opportunity for local businesses to align with those in an other market.
In previous posts, I’ve discussed the value of being in proximity to small businesses within the space. That’s lead me to more than a few projects. As CoMotion continues down this path toward being a window for small businesses to international markets, the value of being here – situated on the proverbial window sill – comes with even greater potential.