CoMotion Safety Protocols

COVID-19 Protocols Update

 During this time, CoMotion is open for business to all of our members. Members enjoy 24/7 access. We are following all provincial and federal COVID-19 mandates. Masks are required to be worn in the space. Stay home if you are feeling unwell.

We are restricting guests from the building at this time, except for new member tours accompanied by CoMotion staff. Our member’s safety is our top priority, and we follow strict cleaning, social distancing, and mask protocols within our coworking space. You can learn more about these protocols below.

In order to access CoMotion, we require all members, staff and guests to fill out our Pre-Screening Questionnaire prior to entry. This screening form must be filled out daily before you enter CoMotion.

If you’re coming into CoMotion’s facility, please click below to fill out the COVID-19 Pre-Screening Questionnaire.


Our members safety is our top priority at CoMotion.

We’ve been taking a proactive approach to managing the risks associated with COVID-19 and continue to adjust and make changes as we learn and grow.


Please wear a mask when moving about the facility. Masks can be removed if you are alone in an enclosed private office.

One-way Directions

Please follow all temporary indicated directions when moving about the facility.

Disinfectant and Cleaning

Surfaces are consistently cleaned with germ-killing spray. Please feel free to add to the frequency.


Our doors remain closed to the general public. Meetings and tours are permitted as long as precautions are observed.

Here’s what we’re doing to keep our members safe.

  • Our front door is locked to the public and non-members. Access is only via key fob for members of CoMotion.
  • Because we use assigned key fobs, we can track and trace members who comes into our space.
  • No events or large meetings are conducted at this time. Members have been asked to restrict their meetings to 2 people or go virtual where possible.
  • Masks must be worn when entering the building, traveling up to our space on the third floor, and when walking around the common areas of our space including; the washrooms, the kitchen, boardroom, the reception area and hallways.
  • Masks can only be removed at each individual’s assigned workspace or private office and only if not in close proximity to others.
  • We continually have our space sprayed with non-toxic and safe (even food safe) spray. This electro-static fogging process uses static electricity for 360 degree coverage and removes contaminants, bacteria, and airborne particles.
  • Common areas such as our lounge or dining area are not being used right now for hanging out, meetings, or otherwise congregating.
  • Our boardroom has only 2 chairs to reinforce that only 2 people should be in there at a time on opposite diagonal sides of the table. Anyone who uses the boardroom must disinfect the table with provided disinfectant before and after use.
  • Our front reception area has hand sanitizer and guests are encouraged to use it as soon as they enter. There is also disinfectant, paper towels and hand sanitizer available throughout the space for members to use at will.
  • We’ve dedicated one of our washrooms to be a handwashing station because soap is better than sanitizer when combating COVID-19.
  • One way directional signage in our space to keep the traffic flowing clockwise and avoid unnecessary encounters with others.
  • Signage throughout the space reinforces mask wearing and hand washing.
  • Increased cleaning and sanitation protocols of all high traffic areas in our space.
  • Members are not allowed to come into CoMotion with any symptoms, even if mild and thought not to be a big deal.

Have questions?

Let's chat! Call us at (289)-389-5772