Video, photos, events – oh my!

Thanks for being a part of the CoMotion journey, and all your support thus far. It’s been incredible seeing the Hamilton community rally behind coworking and a new way of working together.

Right now the final touches are going into place as we prepare for the public opening of CoMotion On King, and we couldn’t be more excited!

In case you missed it, we posted a video from the Soft Launch on our Facebook page which you can watch below, as well as some photos from the event.


A big thanks to JPiEvents for putting together a fantastic evening. You can contact them at [email protected]. As well as Wellington Brewery for their wonderful drinks.

Speaking of events… we want to extend an invitation to you for our next one! Join us for lunch at CoMotion On King, as cofounder Joe Accardi discusses coworking and how your business can benefit from being part of a coworking community. Plus, you’ll have a chance to see the progress in the space.

Date: Wednesday, 26 August 2015
Location: 115 King Street East, Hamilton – 3rd Floor
Time: 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

Details here.

Check back soon on our blog for updates about our opening to the public, and more great events you can attend!

If you haven’t yet, join our newsletter to be notified.