The Magic of Brainsprouting Is Coming To CoMotion

The Magic of Brainsprouting Is Coming To CoMotion

Yes, coworking at CoMotion has enabled me to meet some mighty interesting people. I’ve even blogged about it before. But is there anything cooler than a magician?! I mean, that’s not even fair! Let’s face it; no matter what you’re doing, and no matter how good you’re doing it, it’s not magic. Until it’s actual magic!

Let’s give a warm welcome to the star of the show, Brandon Love!

Fortunately for me, I’ve not only had the opportunity to meet Brandon, but through the magic of coworking, I’ve also been able put some of my scribing skills to use to help promote his upcoming book launch event right here at CoMotion.  Oh yeah, this isn’t just any magician…though, is there such a thing as “any magician”?  This magician has co-written, with Joel Hilchey, the revolutionary idea-generating and creativity-inspiring book, Brainsprouting.

Brainsprouting helps you unlock your creativity; enabling you to actually generate ideas.

As a veteran of the ad-game, this hits pretty close to home. Through my career, I’ve seen all kinds of ‘brainstorming’, or ‘ideation’, techniques come and go like passing freight train cars. But, despite being in a creative industry, convincing people that they have the ability and the licence to be creative is often long overlooked.

What’s really intrigued me about Brandon’s approach is his focus on challenging assumptions.  

That’s really where the magic happens. Figuratively and literally. In essence, ‘magic’ occurs when something you assume isn’t possible actually happens. And, what Brandon and Joel have found is that most people assume they aren’t creative. It’s this little insight that has me really excited to see Brainsprouting in its unlocking action at the book launch event on March 2nd. To anyone in virtually any occupation, there’s an awful lot of value in the ability to generate ideas – to become ‘fearlessly creative’.

The best events keep you entertained – and this guy is entertaining!

I had the pleasure of attending Brandon’s final performance of his “Wonder & Awe” show at Mills Hardware recently. First off, this was a mind blowing experience. Even as I write this, I’m still shaking my head; fruitlessly attempting to figure out how he pulls this stuff off. Almost equally inspiring was his stage presence. Captivating an audience for 90-plus minutes – each of us alternating between big smiles and dropped jaws until our faces hurt. It really was amazing.

Without a doubt, this one is a must-see. Limited tickets are available – get yours here

Coworking has opened a lot of doors for me in my freelance journey. The opportunity to sit, chat and work with a guy like Brandon — even see a few pretty killer magic tricks — has been a mind-opening experience. And I really can’t wait to attend this launch event.